楽器 フェンダー Rhodes KMC-I


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Rhodes KMC-I
Something new has been added to the famous Rhodes electric piano.A new look and a built-in cassette recorder,Combined with the“Leam at Home”cassette instruction course written by Harold Rhodes,the cassette capability can bring the teacher right into the home at any time of day or night. In no time the student is advanced enough toplay along with name bands and groups pre-recorded on cassettes. There's an easy-to-work pitch control deviceon the cassette and the piano.Earphones are standard equipment in case the student wishes privacy (a great confidence builder for the beginner and an ear-saver for the rest of the house). This new at-home piano has all the famous Rhodes features. Rich,exciting sound. A true piano action.A vibrato providing a wide variety of playing styles. Patented tone bars and custom hammer action, permitting not only touch dynamics,but percussive effects as well. There are no reeds to break since special wands are used with individual pick-ups for each tone bar and it never needs tuning. The dual amplifiers system which delivers 64 watts RMS and 200watts peak output, is the same fine system which is in our famous Fender-Rhodes Portable Suitcase Piano. The control features on the Rhodes KMC I consists of volume control,power on and off,bass and treble boost,vibrato speed and intensity,stereo headphone jack,and a speaker on and off switch. There are also two external jacks which enable the user to boost the amplifications through external amps and achieve an even more spectacular sound. And last but not least our most revolutionary new feature−a swell pedal which overrides the manually preset volume control. This spring loaded pedal allows you to instantly crescendo or diminuendo from the softest to the loudest volume providing new exciting effects.



鍵盤 ピアノ

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